Article 1
Polish VACC Policy is a document regulating the rules of the Polish VACC and supplementing the rules of the VATSIM network, in particular the VATSIM Code of Conduct, VATSIM Code of Regulations, Global Controller Administration Policy, Transfer and Visiting Controller Policy, VATEMEA Policy, VATEUD Policy. Above documents have priority over the rules stated in Polish VACC Policy.
Article 2
Polish VACC
- Polish VACC is an informal organization associating virtual aviation enthusiasts who are members of the VATSIM network.
- Polish VACC has no legal personality.
- Polish VACC is a member of the VATSIM network structure – a member of the European division (VATEUD), the Europe, Africa and Middle East region (VATEMEA), which supervises its functioning.
- This Policy is made public to every VATSIM member.
- Changes to the Polish VACC Policy are subject to approval by the entire Polish VACC Board and the supervisory body (VATEUD).
Changes to this Policy are announced in VACC notification channels at least one week prior to the new version effective date.
Article 3
Board and its members
- The tasks and responsibilities of the Board include organizing life of the Polish VACC.
- The Board is under the authority of the Polish VACC Director and supervisory bodies.
- The specific tasks and duties of all members of the Board are:
- taking care of the proper development of the Polish VACC,
- performing tasks appropriate for each member of the Board,
- representing the Polish VACC community to the authorities of VATEUD, VATEMEA, VATSIM, as well as before the media and the public,
- promotion of virtual aviation,
- maintaining materials appropriate for each member of the Board, available to members of the Polish VACC,
- managing the work and activities of the Polish VACC.
- Members of the Board are elected for an indefinite period by the Polish VACC Director, in an amount appropriate to the current needs.
- The Board of the Polish VACC consists of:
- Polish VACC Director,
- ATC Training Director,
- Quality Manager,
- Operational Officer,
- Events Director,
- Web Services Director
- other members of the Board nominated as needed.
- The duties of the deputies are performed by individual members of the Board, in accordance with the order of the Polish VACC Director.
- The Board of the Polish VACC, at the request of the superior body, prepares a report on its work for the requested period.
The composition of the Board may be changed in accordance with the decision of the Director, he is responsible for the appropriate division of duties in the event of a vacancy.
Article 4
Polish VACC Director
- The specific tasks of the Polish VACC Director include:
- supervision of VACC Board work,
- coordinating and managing the work of the Board,
- receiving and examining complaints addressed to the Polish VACC Board,
- resolving problems and conflicts,
- setting directions of development of the Polish VACC,
- accepting and handling member transfers,
- reporting current matters on request to supervisory authorities.
- The Polish VACC Director is selected by the Supervisory Authority (VATEUD Division Director) in the manner specified in the VATEUD Policy.
The Polish VACC Director shall perform his duties until his resignation or cancellation. The Director performs his duties until the appointment of a new Director, and in the event of his impossibility, these duties are performed by individual members of the Board, in accordance with the order of the VATEUD Director.
Article 5
ATC Training Director
- The specific tasks of the ATC Training Director include:
- supervision of the Polish VACC ATC school
- maintenance of
Polish VACC ATC School Training Regulations, regulating and standardizing operations of ATC School,
- providing the Students with up-to-date training materials according to the requested rating training,
- executing of recruitment process to Polish VACC ATC School,
- recommending students for new rating after passed examinations,
- appointing examiners and mentors for the purpose of ATC training,
- managing and assigning mentors to students,
- executing examinations for ATC students or delegating duties to examiners,
- receiving a positive or negative outcome of the students’ exam and forward the result to interested bodies,
- receiving complaints regarding the exams process and reviewing the appeal from the exam result as stated in ATC School Training Regulations.
- assigning proper endorsements for ATC members,
- supervision of students’ solo sessions.
- The Polish VACC ATC Training Director is selected by the VACC Director.
The Polish VACC ATC Training Director shall perform his duties until his resignation or cancellation. In case of vacancy of ATC Training Director, his duties shall be performed by VACC Director.
Article 6
Quality Manager
- The specific tasks of the Quality Manager include:
- reviewing quarterly summaries of VACC Board members,
- receiving opinions on VACC Board work,
- providing feedback of VACC community health to the VACC Director,
- collecting anonymous and non-anonymous feedback about the Board work from all members,
- reviewing the VACC documentation and policy complementarity and unanimity,
- reviewing the Assistants and Workgroups work, verifying legitimacy of their nominations,
- Quality Manager remains independent from any other Board member in his judgment and presented statements.
- Quality Manager is appointed by the VACC Director.
Quality Manager shall perform his duties until his resignation or cancellation. In case of absence of Quality Manager, his duties shall be performed by VACC Director.
Article 7
Other members of the Board
- The remaining members of the Board are elected by the Polish VACC Director after the person concerned proposes their candidacy.
- After receiving the applications, the Director examines the candidates and selects a member of the Board.
- A member of the Board shall exercise his mandate until it expires, resigns or is recalled,
Every Board member is required to present a quarterly summary of his work to the Quality Manager.
Article 8
Complaints against members of the Board
- VACC members have the right to lodge a complaint against the decision of any member of the Board to the Polish VACC Director.
Complaints against the Polish VACC Director should be directed to the Director of the competent supervisory authority - VATEUD.
Article 9
Board assistants
- All members of the Board may appoint assistants as needed.
- An assistant performs tasks specified by a member of the Board as part of the work of his department. The assistants are approved by the Polish VACC Board. The assistant reports to the appropriate member of the Board.
- An assistant is not considered to be part of the Board.
- An assistant access to confidential data regarding Board works shall be restricted to minimum.
Article 10
- The Board may establish workgroups which may include all members of the Polish VACC.
- Workgroup task is to carry out a specific issue.
- Workgroups are made up especially of people who have competences and skills in a given field.
Workgroups may be entrusted with access necessary to perform an issue and only for the duration of its execution. The Polish VACC Director decides about granting access.
Article 11
Polish VACC members
- Any person that fulfills all of the following requirements can become a member of Polish VACC:
- Is a registered member of the VATSIM network, with full access to the services of the VATSIM network, adequate to the rating they held,
- Is assigned to the European division of VATEUD and chose the Polish VACC as its subdivision,
- Has accepted the regulations of this Policy and other supplementary regulations, including documents issued by the Polish VACC Board.
- Polish VACC members are divided into:
- Non-controllers,
- Controllers,
- Controller is a member who:
- holds an VATSIM controller rating S1 or above,
- fulfills currency requirements as stated in this Policy,
- has completed the training in Polish VACC or successfully completed the transfer process to Polish VACC, and
- is listed on the roster on the official Polish VACC webpage.
Non-controller is a member who does not fulfill the requirements to be classified as Controller.
Article 12
Obligations of the members of the Polish VACC
- The duties of each member of the Polish VACC include:
- caring for the good name of Polish VACC and its worthy representation on the web and beyond,
- compliance with the VATSIM, VATEMEA, and VATEUD Policies and, this Policy,
- maintaining an appropriate relationship, personal culture and rules of social coexistence with other members of the VATSIM network and Polish VACC,
- taking care of the security of the information, tasks and documents entrusted to them, in particular those classified,
- taking active part in the activities of the Polish VACC as far as possible,
- providing information on any events, situations and events that may adversely affect the name of Polish VACC, its
Board and / or members to the Polish VACC Director. - Additionally, the Polish VACC Controllers are obliged to:
- comply with instructions, rules and other documents relating to the operation and provision of air traffic control service,
flight information service and others, - provide the services in the most professional manner,
- if possible, participate in events and meetings organized by, or in cooperation with, the Polish VACC,
- treat all members respectful both when providing air traffic services, as well as during community activity
(i.e. Discord discussions), - use the latest ATC network client sector provided or indicated by Polish VACC,
- comply with information on temporary or permanent changes in FIR Warszawa, issued in the form of NOTAM messages,
comply with the imposed restrictions on the flow of air traffic placed on the Polish VACC services,
Article 13
Rights of members of the Polish VACC
- All members are entitled to:
- receive due support and information from the Polish VACC Staff,
- participate in the community life and activities of the Polish VACC,
- expressing a constructive opinion on the operation of the Polish VACC,
- use the materials intended for them, made available by the Polish VACC,
- work in working groups appointed by the Board of the Polish VACC.
- Additionally, Polish VACC Non-controllers are entitled to:
- apply for ATC training within Polish VACC after passing the entry exams,
- become a Polish VACC Controller member, upon completion of training for ATC in the Polish VACC
in compliance with the requirements specified in the Polish VACC ATC School Training Regulations. - Additionally, Polish VACC Controllers are entitled to:
- use the instructions and operational documents intended for them,
- man the position of air traffic control in FIR Warszawa in accordance with the authorizations held,
- proposing self-candidacy to the Board of the Polish VACC, after prior announcement of the recruitment,
- obtain feedback from others as filled in Polish VACC systems,
- request a training for higher position after completing the requirements for given rating as per
Polish VACC ATC School Regulations. -
request training (refreshment) sessions with mentors.
Article 14
Activity and Currency
- Activity and Currency requirements are applicable for Controller members only.
- In order to remain active on Polish VACC roster, the Controller has to:
- be online at least three hours on any controllable positions within the Polish VACC in a three-month period (90 days),
- acknowledge changes to local procedures using the "read & sign" method onPolish VACC websites before beginning
ATC session, - A controller is considered out of date if they have not acknowledged changes that are over two months old.
- Prior to removing a controller from the roster, Polish VACC will notify the controller at least one month (30 days) prior removing him from active roster,
- After the expiry of the currency, members will be notified about removal from the roster. Removal from the roster automatically denies a Controller from manning any controllable position within Polish VACC.
- Members interested in currency renewal report their willingness to renew it via a dedicated form on the PL-VACC website. Depending on the inactivity period and current controller skills, the Director or his appropriate deputy will define if a training plan is required.
Activity and Currency for designated airspace endorsements are listed in the separate appendix.
Article 15
ATC training
- Polish VACC provides an opportunity to its Controllers to participate in training in order to upgrade controllers rating.
- ATC training is provided within the Polish VACC ATC School.
- Polish VACC ATC School provides training for the relevant ratings and endorsements as described in
Polish VACC ATC School Training Regulations.
- Ratings upgrade and endorsements granting notifications are sent by the Training Director or VACC Director to proper authorities,
- Examiner and Mentor privileges are assigned by the Training Director and are published in ATC schools resources.
- Student is a person that is willing to upgrade his rating, obtain an endorsement or refresh his knowledge and skills under supervision of a mentor.
- Mentor is a person that is providing training to students.
- Examiner is a person that is verifying the skills obtained by the student in the form of an exam.
- Student and Mentor Rights & Privileges are described in Polish VACC ATC School Training Regulations.
- Examiners Rights & Privileges are described in the Polish VACC Examiners Guide.
- Training restrictions:
- In order to apply for S3 training a member has to have a valid EPWA and Procedural Endorsement.
- In order to apply for C1 training, a member has to have valid EPWA endorsement.
- VACC provides training for following endorsements for designated airspaces:
- Chopin Airport
- Procedural
- Military
- Chopin Airport and Procedural Endorsement training are described in ATC School Training Regulations.
- Military Endorsement training application consists of:
- written VACC Director approval
- written OPS Officer approval
Members in training can apply for solo endorsement for their training. Application is sent by mentor to Training Director for approval. Requirements for application are listed in Polish VACC ATC Training Regulations. Granted endorsement is confirmed by proper entry in the roster.
Article 16
Disciplinary actions and rewarding members
- Disciplinary actions may be applied to members, and members may be awarded by the Polish VACC Board or at the request of a group of other members.
- A member can be disciplined only for breaching the member’s obligations as stated in this Policy.
- Listed disciplinary actions may be taken against a member for violating the VACC Policy, rules, or other supplementary regulations:
- warning letter,
- restricted access to Polish VACC services,
- controller removal from the roster
- petition to take disciplinary action addressed to the superior body (VATEUD, VATEMEA, VATSIM BoG).
- A member can be rewarded for:
- effective mentoring training courses at the Polish VACC ATC school. Action in this respect depends on the decision of
the Polish VACC Training Director. - helping other members, with particular emphasis on newly registered members,
- active participation in working groups appointed by the Board of the Polish VACC,
- taking part in various tasks announced by the Board of the Polish VACC,
- above-average activity and above-average contribution to the development of the Polish VACC.
- A member can be rewarded in form of:
- public, written praise, published on the Polish VACC websites,
- a special form of remuneration, which will be determined by the Polish VACC Board (e.g. priority in the
queue to start ATC training). - In the case of submitting a request for disciplinary action or reward by a member of the Polish VACC Board, the Board, after considering the matter, submits a suggestion of a penalty or form of reward to the Polish VACC Director. On this basis, the Polish VACC Director decides to take disciplinary action or impose an award on the member.
In the case of submitting a petition for disciplinary action or awarding by a group of at least 5 Polish VACC Controllers being enlisted on active roster at the time of filing, the Board examines the application and decides whether to accept or reject it. The formula of the award or disciplinary action is decided by the Board by voting. Applicants are required to provide factual justification for their application.
Article 17
Visiting controllers
- Apart from Polish VACC Controllers, guest controllers are also entitled to occupy a position in FIR Warszawa under the visiting controllers' rights issued by Polish VACC.
- A visiting controller can become any person who:
- holds a minimum C1 rating in a VACC other than Polish VACC,
- has a recommendation from their home VACC issued by the person responsible for running the local ATC school,
- has been approved and accepted for training by the Polish VACC Director and Polish VACC ATC Training Director,
- completed training in accordance with the training program for visiting controllers adopted by the Training Director,
- obtained a positive result from the checking session (visiting OTS),
- meets the requirements specified in the PL-VACC training regulations.
- Visiting controllers are obliged to the same obligations as the members of the Polish VACC as stated in Article 12.
- Visiting controllers are entitled to the same rights as Polish VACC Controllers except for:
- applying to any of the Board or Assistant positions,
- applying for training to a higher position within Polish VACC.
Visiting controllers can occupy positions in vFIR Warszawa in accordance with the permissions of the visiting controller issued by Polish VACC Director.
Article 18
Incoming transfer
- The controller that can apply for the transfer of a controller from the home VACC to the Polish VACC if he:
- meets the conditions described in the TVCP,
- is ready to undergo a session to verify his skills after two familiarization sessions,
- report such a willingness to the Polish VACC Director.
- After the supervisory body changes the VACC of the person concerned, he / she receives a mentor and begins introductory sessions. The mentor is assigned outside the sequence of training. Familiarization sessions are performed at the highest level, authorized by the inspector transferring to the Polish VACC.
- After the end of two introductory sessions, the mentor has the right, in case of doubts as to the state of knowledge of the inspector transferring to the Polish VACC, or other justified grounds, to have an additional introductory session.
- After the familiarization sessions are over, the mentor reports readiness to take the examination (skills verification session) by the controller who is transferring to the Polish VACC.
- The skills verification session is conducted by an authorized Polish VACC examiner in the position:
- EPWW_CTR - in the case of a controller transferring to Polish VACC with C1 rating or higher, as a positive result
candidate will receive EPWA endorsement, - EPWA_APP - in the case of a controller transferring to Polish VACC holding the S3 rating, as a positive result candidate
will receive EPWA endorsement, - EPWA_TWR - in the case of a controller transferring to Polish VACC with S2 rating and will receive EPWA endorsement.
- Familiarization sessions should be held in the above-mentioned positions.
- After the first verification session with a negative result, the controller transferring to the Polish VACC begins the training phase, in which he or she is entitled to one additional familiarization session with the mentor.
After the second verification session with a negative result, the transfer is rejected under the TVCP statements.
Article 19 Outcoming transfer
- Polish VACC Controllers have the right to change (transfer) their VACC.
- The controller interested in transferring to another VACC is obliged to inform the Polish VACC Director about this fact.
- On the day the transfer is accepted by the superior body, the controller transferring to another VACC is removed from the list of Polish VACC members and roster, thus losing all rights and obligations towards Polish VACC.
If the Controller applying for outgoing transfer is listed on roster, he may submit an application for the status of Guest Controller to the PL-VACC Director and receive it without performing the OTS verification session. Willing to receive a Guest Controller status shall be made immediately with Director notification about transfer initiation as per paragraph 1. Guest Controller status cannot be given later on preferential conditions.
Article 20
Principles of occupying ATC positions
- Entitled to occupy ATC positions in FIR Warszawa are controllers listed on the roster.
- Students of the Polish VACC ATC school can occupy a position only with a mentor.
- Students of the Polish VACC ATC School can be granted with solo validation. In this case, a student can occupy a position without a mentor only in positions for which the solo validation has been issued.
- Sessions on any position may be conducted by prior reservation or on a basis “first come first served”. Reservation is not required.
- Controllers may reserve a position at any time in advance, but not later than 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the session.
- The control positions in FIR Warszawa are taken by the controllers at their own discretion, skills and well-being.
- Rated Controllers may occupy the position according to the authorisations held.
- Manning of certain positions may be restricted for operational reasons. These restrictions will be published by means of NOTAM messages or in documents published by the Board.
- Before manning a position, the controller should make sure that he:
- has the appropriate skills to handle the position,
- familiarized himself with the applicable procedures, in particular with the current NOTAM messages,
- is familiar with the applicable procedures,
- has the current ATC client sector.
- Session length should be no less than 30 minutes long.
On official VACC events (published on VACC services) ATC positions are assigned by Events Director or other delegated member of VACC Board.
In case of a real-life VACC event, a designated VACC member(s) is responsible for on-site organization of the event. In this case, a designated member has precedence over Events Director in the decision-making process. Designation is valid only for the given event (or set of events), and is granted by the VACC Director.
Article 21
Operating requirements and restrictions
- Any restrictions, changes in local procedures, infrastructure or airspace closure are published using NOTAM messages, operating instructions, messages placed on Polish VACC websites.
- A properly appointed member of the Board supervises the updating of NOTAM messages.
All pilots and controllers are required to comply with the provisions concerning the operational requirements and limitations in force at FIR Warszawa.
Article 22
Changes to local regulations
- Any changes to local regulations, in particular the operating manuals, should be posted on the Polish VACC website.
- Amendments to operating instructions are prepared by the member of the Board competent for operational matters. This instruction is published after obtaining the approval of the Polish VACC Director.
Amendments to the regulations are prepared by a member of the Board competent for the scope covered by the regulations.
Article 23
Principles of designated airspace
- Selected airports and/or airspaces are considered as “designated status”, where additional requirements apply before manning their respective positions is allowed.
- Before logging in as a Controller on the designated airspace position, it is required to obtain a proper endorsement.
Endorsements are subject to currency restrictions.
Article 24
Chopin Airport Endorsement
- Chopin Airport Endorsement (also known as “EPWA Endorsement”) has been established to protect the complexity and density of the traffic arriving, departing and transitioning through EPWA and its airspace.
- EPWA Endorsement is a Tier 1 endorsement as per Article 7.5 Global Controller Administration Policy.
- EPWA has a major role in vFIR Warszawa operations, having an impact on multiple ATC positions around vFIR. Proper understanding of the airspace and operation characteristics to/from and around EPWA are essential to provide a proper Air Traffic Services within the designated airspace.
- Validity of endorsements is confirmed by proper roster entry. Controller cannot login for a designated position without the entry corresponding to his VATSIM CID.
- In order to maintain EPWA endorsement currency controllers must connect for at least 3 hours in a 3 concurrent months period on selected position, respectively to rating held.
- Above mentioned sessions can be credited towards controller currency as per Article 14.
EPWA Endorsement positions are listed in Appendix to this policy.
Article 25
Procedural Endorsement
- Procedural Endorsement (“PE”) is established due to an unusual and difficult type of service provided in selected airspace.
- Procedural Endorsement is a Tier 2 endorsement as per Article 7.4 of Global Controller Administration Policy.
- Regular operations in vFIR Warszawa are radar surveillance based. Some of the airports provide Air Traffic Control based on procedural means. This requires additional separation and phraseology knowledge, and traffic handling skills.
- Validity of endorsement is confirmed by proper roster entry. Controller cannot login for a designated position without the entry corresponding to his VATSIM CID.
- PE is in general a lifetime endorsement however, it can be suspended or revoked in given circumstances:
- a major airspace or procedures redesign,
- lack of skills presented by the controller,
- lack of currency.
- In case of any airspace change, the controller is obliged to acknowledge the changes in the system.
- Procedural Endorsement positions are listed in Appendix to this policy.
- PE endorsement is only applicable to S2 controllers.
All controllers rated S3 and above are automatically recognized as PE endorsed and are not required to obtain separate training or maintain PE.
Article 26
Military Endorsement
- Military Endorsement
(“MIL”) is established due to an unusual, complex type of service provided in selected airspace and difficult airspace structure.
- Military Endorsement is a Tier 2 endorsement as per Article 7.4 of Global Controller Administration Policy.
- Military traffic is separated on different basis, with non-standard ICAO phraseology and rules. Tasks completed by military traffic in military areas are also different. This requires additional knowledge from the ATC manning a military position.
- Validity of endorsement is confirmed by proper roster entry. Controller cannot login for a designated position without the entry corresponding to his VATSIM CID.
- MIL is in general a lifetime endorsement however, it can be suspended or revoked in given circumstances:
- a major airspace or procedures redesign,
- lack of skills presented by the controller,
- lack of currency.
- In case of any airspace change, the controller is obliged to acknowledge the changes in the system.
Military Endorsement positions are listed in Appendix to this policy
Article 27
OPS Positions
- Special ATC positions such as TMU, FMP may be occupied during events only or when authorized by Polish VACC OPS staff.
- OPS Positions are not considered an active controlling position.
- Members allowed to use those callsigns are listed on the roster.
- Allowance is defined for a certain time period.
Tasks and privileges of the given positions are described in Operations Manual.
Article 28
Effectiveness of the Policy
- The provisions of this Policy shall enter into force on December 01, 2023.
- As of the effective date of this Policy, all previous ordinances and resolutions of the Board shall expire.
- The provisions of this Policy are supplemented by the regulations on special matters and its appendices which are as follows:
- Appendix 1 – Designated Airspaces
- Appendix 2 – Transitional Agreements
- This Policy has been approved by the Polish VACC Board and the supervisory authority (VATEUD).
In matters not included in this Policy, the provisions of the superior acts shall apply - VATSIM Code of Conduct, VATSIM Code of Regulations, VATSIM Global Rating Policy, VATEMEA Policy, VATEUD Policy.
Article 1
EPWA Endorsement positions
* - any position allowed by Operations Manual
Article 2
Extension of EPWA endorsement
Extension of the EPWA Endorsement shall be conducted on given positions:
- For S2 rating: EPWA_TWR,
- For S3 rating: EPWA_APP,
For C1 and higher rating: EPWW_CTR.
Article 3
Procedural Endorsement positions
Article 4
Military Endorsement positions
List of allowed OPS positions callsigns:
- Transformation process begins from 01.01.2024.
- Transformation consists of:
- launch of the “roster”
- launching new EPWA, Procedural and Military Endorsements,
- granting certain ATC positions designated status
- inclusion on the roster active controllers for time 15:00Z 01.03.2024
- granting proper endorsements to active controllers for time 15:00Z 01.03.2024
- assuming active and non-active controllers as per new “roster” requirements,
- If a controller at the time of assignment does not fulfill the roster requirements, he will be informed about lack of activity for roster enrollment.
- Transfer of endorsements goes as follows:
- S2 rated with current S2-PE endorsement receive new Procedural Endorsement
- S2, S3, C1, C3 rated with major endorsement receive respective EPWA endorsement to their rating
- ATC training started after 10.02.2024 will be conducted according to a new policy that shall be based and compliant with the new GCAP.
- Atrack - Polish VACC activity tracker will be restarted by 15:00Z 01.03.2024
Transformation process will end by 01.03.2024
Last edit: 24.07.2027 by 1131338 - Text Formatting, No text changes.