Airport layout & stands
Name Szczecin - Goleniów
Transition Altitude 6500 ft AMSL
Transition Level FL 80 Based on current QNH
ATC Online
  • Preferred runways Departure preffered runways are as follows: 31, 13.
    ATC Clearance

    All flights shall leave TMA Szczecin via one of the following fixes:


    SID name shall not be put in the flight plan.

    All SIDs at Szczecin are RNP-1. In order to execute them, your aircraft has to be capable of area navigation (e.g. FMC, GPS, INS). If you are unable to perform it, or you are not sure about it, inform ATC before obtaining IFR clearance.

    EPSC_TWR is the clearance delivery station for Szczecin Airport. To get your IFR clearance, contact Szczecin Tower not more than 30 minutes before Off Block Time only with your callsign and destination. Your clearance will contain: runway, assigned SID or other departure instructions, the initial climb, your squawk code and current weather information.

    Please remember that currently we do not serve DCL/PDC clearance. 

    Taxi procedures

    TWY A1, A2, A3 available only for turboprop and piston powered aircraft.

    APN 3, 4 is not used.

    Low Visibility Procedures (LVP)

    There are no LVP procedures at Szczecin.

    Minimum RVR for take-offs and landings is 550 m.

    Stands There is no jetway stands at Szczecin airport. On STD 1-7 pushback is not required.
    Start-up, pushback and taxi

    There is no pushback required at any stand.

    Start-up and pushback

    Szczecin Tower is responsible for all start-up, pushback and taxi.


    Before requesting taxi prepare taxi charts for the aerodrome. This is very helpful for both pilots and controllers. 

    Take-off and departure  Prior to your departure, you should double check your FMC and the transponder: make sure you have the correct SID, your squawk code set and the transponder operating in Mode C. Be ready for departure upon reaching the holding point. In order to keep runway occupancy to a minimum, expect to receive an immediate takeoff clearance. ATC will assume every aircraft at the holding point is able to commence line up and take-off roll after clearance issued with no delay. If you are unable to comply with it, inform Szczecin Tower before being number 1 in departure sequence.

    It is very important to strictly adhere to your SID and initial climb until given further instructions! When contacting the new controller, you should listen for other traffic talking on frequency to not interrupt them.
  • Preferred runways Arrival preffered runways are as follows: 31, 13.
    Arrival procedures

    Entry to TMA Szczecin shall be planned via one of the following entry fixes: BODLA, FARCU, OBDEJ, ELTUB, ZAWIK.

    Expect being assigned the correct STAR.

    As with SIDs, RNAV equipment is required. If you are unable to follow the procedure, put it in your flight plan and inform the ACC controller on initial contact. You may expect being given a shortcut to SCZ VOR and then perform instrument approach procedure.

    The STARs only define the horizontal flight profile. Every level change (descent) has to be explicitly instructed by the ATC.

    After being issued the approach clearance, the STAR shall be continued until established on final.

    When traffic load permits, you may expect a shortcut to one of the points of the procedure.


    TMA Szczecin is a procedural airspace, which means that controller doesn't have a radar and won't be able to see you. To provide ATC service, pilots will be asked for position reports. This report should contain current altitude and distance to next waypoint. You can also provide information about your indicated airspeed (IAS).

    Final approach



    RWY 13: RNP, VOR

    During final approach it is advised to maintain speed of 160 kts or greater (if possible) until 4 NM DME. ATC may impose other speed restrictions.

    Make sure to fully vacate the runway (cross the holding point) but hold short of the next taxiway in front of you. Remain on Tower frequency until further advised.

  • Procedures

    VFR flights in CTR SZCZECIN/Goleniow are required to have a flight plan. Flights shall take place according to the published VFR routes. Shortcuts, other than published, are not permitted.

    Constant (cruising) altitude and pattern altitude for VFR flights in CTR EPSC is 1500 ft. It is caused by dense buildings and high obstacles surrounding the airport. Flights shall not take place below that altitude. Flight above that altitude require coordination with APP or ACC controller (if online).

    Descent below 1500 ft is permitted only in close vicinity of the airport, during published holding procedures over VFR reporting points, approaches and runway operations.

    During high traffic load, aircraft in VFR flight may be instructed to hold on one of the holdings:

    - on the east side of the aerodrome NOVEMBER

    - on the west side of the aerodrome SIERRA


    CTR SZCZECIN/Goleniow is class C airspace.